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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Needing Ideas

If any of your kids are like mine, then electronics are a big part of your lives too. Anything from mp3 players all the way to video game consoles and cell phones. My children are ages 6, 7, 10, and 15 and all of them have some part of their lives that revolve around electronics. My 6-year-old loves the XBox 360, the PSP, the PS3, and the computer. My 7-year-old loves her MP3 player (can you say Bieber Fever in my house?) and the PS3 and the computer. My 10-year-old loves anything at all electronic. He's more into building games than playing them but he loves all the electronic devices in the house, all of them. And my 15-year-old is into her computer and her cell phone.

There really is a point to my ramblings up there. My husband suggested today that, in an attempt to avoid the arguments that come along with all of these electronic devices and the younger 3 children, that I create a board that has the games on it in columns and and then their names and somehow attach them to the board under the device they are playing for a period of time (say, 45 minutes or so?).

So, here's my should I do this? I am looking for ideas. Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Leave me a comment and let me know your ideas!!!!!

Can't wait to hear what you all come up with!! :)

Much love and creativity,

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day

Hi Bloggie friends!

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend so far. It's been super busy for me. My oldest daughter left a 2 weeks ago to visit some family in Phoenix and is not going to be back until July. I miss her so much. She is going to miss Independence day and Father's day as well. I'm sure she's having a blast though. I just miss her tons.

My husband has been in lots of ongoing pain with his back, which he has been dealing with for the last 10+ years so we have been dealing with that, hence the reason (or excuse) that I have not been blogging much lately!

On Monday, 06/20/2011 my youngest son, Dylon is going to be starting swimming lessons. I can't believe how fast these cute little ones grow up! Two weeks after that, my daughter, Catelynn will go into swimming lessons too. It gives me great comfort to think they will all know how to swim though. I've never been a huge swimming fan so going to the pool will be much easier knowing they know the basics of water safety and swimming.

I recently got an email from stating they were having a sale on over 70+ Cricut cartridges. They had 4 of them under $15.00 each!! Whoo Hoo! So I bought 2 of them. I bought Mini Monsters and Cindy Loo. Oh my gosh, they are great cartridges. Lots and lots of images to cut out. And the Cindy Loo cartridge has a font on there too! BONUS!

Here are pictures of the carts I bought for $14.95 each:

Mini Monsters

Cindy Loo

Well, tomorrow is Father's day and so I couldn't resist doing a card that I know most men love. I went looking for the template of the bikini swimsuit. I finally found one and downloaded it. I absolutely adore how cute this card turned out. I love it! I hope you enjoy it too.

DCWV paper
SCAL/MTC program
ATG Adhesive runner
Flower embellishment
Red silky ribbon

The card was cut at around 6 inches as were the layers. I altered the layers by cutting the straps off the top of the suit and adding my own ribbon.

I added my own lace to the top of the bathing suit as well as to the bottoms. (Nice touch, huh?) The butterfly stamp was a small stamp that I had and I colored it with my markers.

Of course, my children wanted to get in on the action so I went ahead and helped them out too and took advantage of having the Mini Monsters carts (because ya know, with boys, everything no matter the holiday, has to be scary in some way!)

Here is my oldest son's card: Brandon, age 10.

Catelynn's (age 7) Father's Day Card, she wanted a "monster"

The last card is Dylon's (age 5) Father's day card. He wanted "zombies" LOL

Thank you so much for looking! I plan on posting some more pictures tomorrow! I hope all you dads out there have a fantastic father's day!! :)

Much love and creativity,

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pink and Black and Zebra Print

Hi everyone!

I have been working on a project that I had donated a while back to the Auction for the American SIDS Institute. As most of my readers know, I've been following the blog of a mom who lost her baby to SIDS in February of this year. She was only 4 months old. They held an auction in her memory and accepted donations. So, here is what I made for little Sydney who will be a year old in September!

Hope you all enjoy it!!! Have a great weekend everyone!

Much love and creativity,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sketch This by Lis

Hey all, just wanted to share that my 15-year-old daughter, Alissa, has started a blog to showcase her sketches! She freehand pencil sketches EVERYTHING! Please go check her out at Sketch This By Lis

Much love and creativity,

Getting Cricky - Giveaway! (And inspiration)

Getting Cricky - We're Alright, Our Feet Are On The Solid

If you don't know K. Andrew of Getting Cricky then you are truly missing out! Like most of my bloggie friends, I have never actually "met" her, she's a "virtual" friend. You know, the kind that live in your computer? *hugging my computer because I love all my friends that live in here* Anyway, K. Andrew is one of the most inspiring crafters I've ever had the pleasure of coming in contact with. Her life is not perfect but it's perfect for her. She says she isn't a saint, although to the people that she inspires and helps everyday, I'm sure they totally disagree and believe she is, in fact, a saint! Her blog posts are truly amazing reads. She is very honest and very real and very sincere!

When I first started blogging back in January, K. Andrew was getting ready to move across the country so she hosted a Cricky Across the 50 Blog Hop. (Click the link to check out my submission). I found out about this blog hop and that's how I met K. Andrew. She was so sweet about letting me join the hop. I had no idea what I was doing but she was so helpful.

Anyway, this blog post wasn't supposed to be about how much I love to know K. Andrew, but I needed to take a moment to spotlight her and just let her know that she's a huge reason I keep crafting and I keep blogging. I really do just love her to pieces!

All that being said, she's having some amazing giveaways! This post in particular is about her giving away 6 different stamps from My Pink Stamper (who also just happens to be an enormous inspiration to me). Here are the details of this giveaway (taken directly from K's blog post).

"Little Pick Me Up Treats for today. I want to give away SIX different My Pink Stamper stamp sets today!
I'll pick 6 winners--all you have to do is leave me a comment and then GO share the word. Someone out there today needs to hear this message--help me share it today! Let's spread the word and love! Feel free to GRAB my blog candy pic above or blinkie and link at your blog/facebook if you so desire.
Have a GREAT weekend my friends; see you back here this weekend for a blog hop, and more fun stuff!"

You all need to go follow her wonderful greatness and check out the many other things she has going on over there including the release of her new stamp sets. You can find out about those by clicking this THIS LINK HERE.

Well, I hope you all have a fantastic day! Remember to share the love. I'm going to take my 7-year-old daughter into my craft room and cook up something crafty! I've totally been inspired. I will be back on later with our creations and bring you some pictures of what we created.

Thanks again to all my bloggie friends for your inspiration and creativity!

Much love and creativity,
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