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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sketch This by Lis

Hey all, just wanted to share that my 15-year-old daughter, Alissa, has started a blog to showcase her sketches! She freehand pencil sketches EVERYTHING! Please go check her out at Sketch This By Lis

Much love and creativity,


Becky Dunham said...

wow Krystal! Lissa is really talented! Has she got natural talent like my son? I want to be an artist too but I struggle and work to be good. my 19 yo son, on the other hand, is naturally talented. you can see some of his stuff on the bottom of my blog. Now I am off to comment on Lissa's blog :) Thanks for sharing this talented daughter of yours!

Becky Dunham said...

Hey Krystal, could not leave a comment for Lissa. not sure why, probably my computer - i think it is trying to die a slow painful death. but then again blogger is being such a nuisance it could be something with that too. Anyway, please tell her for me that I think she is amazing and I hope she keeps it up!

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