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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Needing Ideas

If any of your kids are like mine, then electronics are a big part of your lives too. Anything from mp3 players all the way to video game consoles and cell phones. My children are ages 6, 7, 10, and 15 and all of them have some part of their lives that revolve around electronics. My 6-year-old loves the XBox 360, the PSP, the PS3, and the computer. My 7-year-old loves her MP3 player (can you say Bieber Fever in my house?) and the PS3 and the computer. My 10-year-old loves anything at all electronic. He's more into building games than playing them but he loves all the electronic devices in the house, all of them. And my 15-year-old is into her computer and her cell phone.

There really is a point to my ramblings up there. My husband suggested today that, in an attempt to avoid the arguments that come along with all of these electronic devices and the younger 3 children, that I create a board that has the games on it in columns and and then their names and somehow attach them to the board under the device they are playing for a period of time (say, 45 minutes or so?).

So, here's my should I do this? I am looking for ideas. Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Leave me a comment and let me know your ideas!!!!!

Can't wait to hear what you all come up with!! :)

Much love and creativity,

1 comment: said...

I would say that there are velcro dots that are already adheasive, Or also magnets that are also adheasive. there are magnetic sheets too. I hope that this helped in your dicision!

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ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

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