Welcome to the Cricky Across the 50 Blog Hop hosted by K Andrew of Getting Cricky! I am so excited about this. This is my very first participation in a blog hop! Whoo Hoo!! If you are here from Scrapality than you are in the right place. If you just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning, please go to Getting Cricky! For this blog hop, K. is celebrating her big move across the country with a big road trip, and of course this hop across the 50 states! She has asked us all to post a little bit about the state we are representing, and then to post our favorite craft project. I am representing the state of Minnesota!
I'm originally from Phoenix, Arizona but we moved her 5 years ago. I know what you all are thinking...ARE YOU CRAZY? Well, the answer to that question is no, I'm not crazy, but....MY HUSBAND IS!!!! This was all his idea. :)
Let me introduce you to my family first before I tell ya how we ended up moving from the hottest place on the earth to the coldest place on earth!
This is my family. Me, my husband, Mark, and our 4 children in order. Alissa, 15, Brandon, 10, Catelynn, 7 and Dylon, 5. (Did ya notice their names are A, B, C, D??? Spiffy, huh?? LOL).
My husband had a good friend who moved his family here 2 years before we did. He called everyday telling my hubby how great this place was to raise a family, it was a small town and beautiful. He was right. It's absolutely gorgeous up here and you can't beat the summers. We sold our house, packed up our life in Phoenix (which both my husband and I were born and raised, never been anywhere else) and moved here to northern Minnesota. Well, 5 months later, my husband's friend packed his family up and moved back home!!! (Now that was a dirty trick! It's a conspiracy I tell ya!)
Anyway, it's right on Lake Of The Woods!!! You know that teeny tiny little spot at the very tippy top of Minnesota? Yep, that's us. We are 6 miles south of Canada.
Living in Minnesota and especially small-town Minnesota has been an experience. There have been good and bad times. It was definitely a shock moving from the hot Arizona desert to the sub-zero temps of Minnesota but I'm glad we did it! My kids actually like it here and I really do believe the small town life is a great way to raise a family. I really, REALLY miss Wal-Mart though, the closest one is 80 miles away from us! But, a trip to Minneapolis and we have the Mall of America and of course, the Minnesota Vikings!! (Now I'm not much of a sports fan, but purple is my very favorite color so I'll take the Vikings! *snickers*)
For my project, I decided since we are celebrating K. Andrews move across the country, I'd do a scrap page about my most recent trip. This past summer, one of my closest friends and I went on a girl's weekend together. Her and I are both huge fans of New Kids On The Block and they did a 3 day cruise to the Bahamas, Half Moon Cay to be exact, which is the island owned by Carnival Cruise Lines. It was the most fun I've ever had in my life! If I ever had the opportunity to do it again, I would absolutely do it! Janelle was so much fun to have a girl's weekend with (and it didn't hurt having all the random encounters with the New Kids. *giggle*) So, here's what I did:
I started this project as a card but it turned into a scrap page instead. I used my Summer Vacation Cricut cartridge to make the lettering and the sun. I added some design stamps and some bright flowers with glittery centers to give it a little extra "pop." I tried to keep it fun without overdoing it. I hope you enjoy it, I really had fun making this one! It made me smile thinking about my friends, not only back home, but the new ones I've made in the recent years. (The New Kids On The Block brought friends into my life from all over the country. Janelle (my cruise roommate) from Texas, Vanessa (who has been my best friends since the 7th grade) from Arizona, Stacey from North Dakota, Kris from Minneapolis and Gerri from IRELAND!) Meeting these girls is the best part of NKOTB reuniting! *awe...tear*
Here's a picture of all of us. (Top L-R Kris, Janelle, Krystal. Bottom L-R Vanessa and Stacey)
So there ya have it...a little peek into my personal life. (I hope I didn't bore you to sleep).
Of course no Blog Hop is complete without Blog Candy. So for mine, I'm giving away a set of 12 clear stamps from Fiskars.
Here's how to win:
1. I do not require you to become a follower unless you want to (but it would really be nice if you did. *insert puppy dog eyes*)
2. I do request that you please leave a comment on this post about your favorite place to travel. Be sure you leave your contact information (email) so I can get ahold of you when you win.
3. As an added bonus, if you do become a follower *whoo hoo* (or if you already are a follower), leave a separate comment stating this for a second entry.
4. And if you want a 3rd entry, please refer a friend to my blog, have her/him become a follower and leave a comment stating that she/he was referred by *name of referring person* and then also, the referring person should leave a comment stating the *name of the person referred.* (Clear as mud?)
I will be drawing the winner randomly on Monday, February 14. The winner will be posted sometime Monday afternoon.
Please make sure to leave comments on all of the blogs for a chance to win a ton of different Grand Prizes on Getting Cricky's Blog, from these great companies: Scrap N Tote, Scrap N Easel, Cri-Kits, Creative Charms, Memory Miser, Scrappy Chic Cafe, Loralie Designs, My Pink Stamper, Peachy Keen Stamps, Cricut Town, The Scrappin' Table, Piktails, and Pink by Design
Please make sure to visit ALL the blogs, as EVERY single blog will have fabulous giveaways (cricut cartridges, paper packs, copic markers, yourstory bundle, clear stamp sets, and tons more). Each blogger was extremely generous with their own personal giveaways!
Next stop on the hop is Jenny of Paper Crafting Crazy Me.
Thank you so much for stopping by and spending a few moments getting to know me. I hope to see you back here again soon!!!
Just in case you want it, here is a list of all the blogs on the hop in order. Please feel free to refer back to my blog if you need to!
Getting Cricky With K Andrew.
Tanya of Scrappy Scavenger.
Renee Kowalchik of KoolChik Crafts.
Teela Young of Coffee24Tea.
Jess Marin of My Scrap Diary.
Nicolette Simpson of Beyond Scrapin.
Jennifer Anderson of Scrappin Lil Turtle.
Amy Courchaine of Scrapbooking, Cardmaking and Living with Fibro.
Meagan Jarjabka of Beyond Paper Designs.
Peggy Brustman of Celtik Girl Creations.
Stephanie Hedderick of Always Crafting.
Brenda Haskin of Simply Bren is Having Too Much Fun.
Lori Brown of Saving My....
Angela Urell of Creative Crafting.
Darlene Saucier of Simple Southern Blessings.
Karen Madden of Lilac and Lupines.
Karen Turner of Midlife Mysteries & Masterpieces.
Andrea Fogleman of Scrapality.
Krystal Gibson of Krystal's Kreativity. YOU ARE HERE!!
Jenny Johnson of Paper Crafting Crazy Me.
Kathy Northup of I Love My Crazy Life.
Kathy Floen of The Beautiful Life.
Gloria Sleeper of Oma's Crafts.
Kristal of Getting Cricky.
Brynn Thornburgh of Flair and Frills.
Erin Span of I Am SpantastiKreations.
Amy Westray of Red Wolf Scraps
Patricia Logan of MDN Creates.
Joe, Carol, Joe, and Betty of Create N Craft.
Rebecca Maddux of Crafting with Becka.
Midori Vasquez of Scraps For Me.
Karel Jennings of One By One The Flamingos Are Stealing My Sanity.
Brenda Burffrau of Creativity Is A State Of Mind.
Shannon Lefew of My Scrappy Creations.
Kista Orr of Scrapaleupagus.
Kathy of Creative Cutter.
Chris Hanselmaan of Chris' Crafty Creations From The Corner.
Mariam Satchell of Purple Lily Studio.
Janice Wilson of Stamping With Janice.
Jamie Larsen of Baby Jayden's Mommy.
Lindsay Loo of Lindsay Loo Designs.
Getting Cricky With K. Andrew.
Happy Hopping!!!!!

1 – 200 of 236 Newer› Newest»I love this stat it is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your state information. It is beautiful. Thank You so much for the chance to win some of these beautiful gifts plus to see a little about every state and to join some great one. Also the beautiful crafts they are working on.
Donna Scrapp'n Nana
I love this stat it is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your state information. It is beautiful. Thank You so much for the chance to win some of these beautiful gifts plus to see a little about every state and to join some great one. Also the beautiful crafts they are working on.
Donna Scrapp'n Nana
You will find a blog hop brings a lot of traffic and fun! Hope you enjoy your first hop and thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com
Now my favorite place to travel is in the state I live in NY. I love to go to Clayton, NY. I will be posting some pictures later on here just to play along.
I am a new follower yea!!!!!
Amazing job Krystal! Welcome to MN! I live in the Twin Cities so next time you're down, we should do coffee :) I could totally use a cruise right about now!
WOW!!! That was a dirty trick. :) seems like you like it there tho. I SOOO could NOT be 80 miles from Walmart either!!! :) Love the pics of your cruise. I've never been on one and am leery.. grr.. Thanks for sharing..
I'm a new follower too ;)
thanks for letting me visit Minnesota
Thank you for sharing your patch of the world
Love your style
I'm also a new follower
What a fun layout! I have so many places I love to travel. I'm living in Germany right now, so I have lots of wonderful oppotunities. Travelling to Paris has been my favorite so far. :o)
By the way, I have a US mailing address. :o)
lnorris21 at hotmail dot com
I'm a new follower. :o)
lnorris21 at hotmail dot com
WOW! You didn't just move to MN you moved all the way to the north!! As a fellow MN you're braver than I moving all the way up there!! :D Welcome to the state! You Betcha!
danischuelke at yahoo dot com
I love the idea of blog hops,im finding so many wonderful creative people.Im a new follower
Love your cruise layout! It looks like you had so much fun!! My family spent a couple of weeks at lake of the Woods when I was a teenager. I don't remember any of it, because I spent the entire time pouting because my boyfriend was back home! I regret that now, but at the time, it seemed important! I love to travel anywhere, any time. My dream state to visit is Maine, since it's the only one of the lower 48 I haven't been to. I'm a follower--you can find me at ksjennings at gmail dot com and/or http://karelj.blogspot.com
My moms family is origonally from MN and we used to visit every summer. My brother and I loved seeing Sugar Loaf....but we called it Meat Loaf! LOL! You are quite a bit higher in the state than we used to go and I think your hubby might be a little crazy for going there from AZ! I became a follower and thanks for the blog candy!
booger1 at tds.net
Thanks for the great information regarding your state. I love to go to the beach and since I'm in Tennessee, South Carolina and Florida seem to be the favorites.
Vickie scrapbookadd@gmail.com
WOW! Thanks for sharing, what move! I was born and raised in Minnesota, in Eagan to be exact, but I married my husband who is military, and come back to visit as much as I can. My parents have a cabin up north (Longville), but that is no way as far north as you!! I am jealous of all the snow you have so enjoy some for me!! Love your blog, and your layout!
Thanks again!
cherie.goyer at gmail.com
Girl, I get chills just looking at how far north you are! Thanks for sharing but as for a trip, I think I'd rather take the cruise w/ya! I do love the sunny spots, jamaica, cancun, etc. Thanks for sharing your cute LO with us! teelayoung@hotmail.com (t-la)
oh yes, I'm a follower, too! teelayoung@hotmail.com (t-la)
Love your layout, fabulous job!!
miller896042 at bellsouth dot net
Great LO and pictures. I love to travel to California, but would love to return to Europe someday. Thanks for the fun. Glora
Bad crazy hubby!! Bad hubby's friend!! LOL
Glad that the kids love it. Small towns are great for raising kids.
LOVE tour page!! What a fun girls trip!!
Great layout. TFS your state with us. Following. =)
Very cute layout tfs!!!
Great post, thank you so much! I love going to Myrtle Beach and Jamaica... In fact I love any place with a beach! hehhe!
Lovely layout and love your pictures =)
Hugs from Lilli =)
l.a.nikolaisen at gmail dot com
I am now one of your newest followers =)
Hugs from Lilli =)
Howdy neighbor :) I live in WI. We don't travel much out of the state but we travel all summer long throughout the state of WI as our business requires us to do. Fun sometimes but more work than fun. :(
Thanks for sharing
Wow..what a culture shock going from Arizona to small town Minnesota was..my ex and I were both raised here in Florida, and his first Air Force duty assignment was Oscoda Michigan at Wurtsmith AFB during the month of feb..bbbrrr. But, like you, we loved it!
Your cruise sounds like so much fun too..love the LO. TFS!
New follower here too, thanks to the hop.
love your layout, you must have had alot of fun with your friend. Great job
Living here in the midwest, we made several trips to your beautiful state, most recently my niece was married in Rochester last September. LOVE the Mall, of course, and we've fished on several of your state's great lakes!
And I am now following your blog - so VERY nice to meet you. Stop by and give me a shout sometime as I document my life here in Nebraska one post at a time.
great layouts tyfs. new follower
My favorite vacation was to Hawaii! IT's so beautiful :)
This is a great blog hop!!!
I've been to Minnesota many times, and I'd love to go back! Especially in the Autumn when the leaves are turning... I've never seen anything like it anywhere else. However, Glacier National Park is absolutely fantastic, as is any place in Siskiyou County, California (around Mt. Shasta in the north). My favorite places ever...
Thanks for being part of the hop. If you're a cruiser, check out the paper art cruise we're hosting in September. http://www.createncraft.com/classes-events/caribbean-cruise/
Great pics!! Where would I go lets see I think it would be Oregan, I have heard that it is really pretty up there.. I am a new follower but I must hop on I have alot of states to see...
Happy Crafting!!
Karen dkolopez@msn.com
Beautiful! TFS! My favorite place to travel is to Destin, FL, to the beach every summer. :)
amandawoodau at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the glimpse into your life. I enjoyed reading your story. I so want to go on a cruise!!
simplybren at hotmail dot com
Love it! Thanks for sharing!My favorite State to Travel to is New York because I love spending time in Central Park!
Became a new follower! Love your blog!
You look like you had a great time on your trip.Thanks for sharing!
My favorite state to travel in is NY-it is so nice to really explore my home state!
I'm a new follower
love your los great job
Your post is absolutely beautiful Krystal--your project is great, just beautiful job on this hop!
I'm so glad we met and you were in my hop!
Cricky Hugs & Chirps,
K Andrew
thanks for sharing about your state. I love going anywhere with my family I think thats what makes a place speacial.
I am also a new follower and look forward to learning more about you.
My favorite place to travel to is Gatlinburg, TN --- best scrapbooking store around. Thanks for a chance to win. I love stamps.
I'm a new follower!!!!
Wonderful layout for an amazing adventure. I have not traveled much but I went to Italy (to visit my sister) 23 years ago. It was a beautiful vacation.
I became a follower last night.
I love this hop it has been so much fun with such amazing projects thanks so much for sharing. I love your scrapbook page
Great Project!!!
Our favorite vacation was when we went to Colorodo with the kids.
I'd love to have you join our challenge at my site..
Patti Ross
I'm a follower!!!
Patti Ross
I love to visit California, having said that I could come visit with you :) thanks for sharing.
Great blog, thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance to win a great prize.
I personally think your husband is nuts as you went from one weather extreme to another! We love traveling out west..Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.
Sandy in Mo
arabfilly at gmail.com
Heck yes I'm following you! Its the one that says North Star, horse picture with sheet music in background.
Sandy in Mo
arabfilly at gmail.com
LOL Sorry hun I agree with your hubby's friend...I'd move back to the hot LOL But I am so sick of snow and I'm in WV.
Thanks for the chance to win.
http: // mamawann. blogspot. com/
annadowdy at gmail dot com
The cruise looks fun. My favorite place was Maui.
username at yahoo dot com
I am a follower.
username at yahoo dot com
Yes, that was a dirty trick. However, you did say you liked it so I guess it worked out in the end. Me, I wouldn't like the cold. I am sitting here with gloves trying to type this and I have my heat on and still feel cold. (Just my hands but that makes all of me cold.) I am almost embarrassed to tell you my favorite place to travel.....AZ. I have been there many times and absolutely love it there. Oh I can tell you some stories about that place....you'd laugh so hard, you'd cry. Yep, it is a big change from CT...takes some getting use to. LOL I really can't tell you where in AZ is my favorite place though because I loved it all so much.Everything from the Grand Canyons to the Painted Desert. From Tombstone to Flagstaff. It is all fantastic. Love your LO, one thing I was never on was a cruise.
susanslomski at yahoo dot com
I also am a follower....
susanslomski at yahoo dot com
Minnesota sounds like a wonderful state!! Your cruise sounded like a lot of fun too! My favorite place to visit is Anna Maria Island, Florida.
I am a new follower!
I am a happy new follower... THank you for being part of this hop.
Lets see my favorites place to travel. Not too hot/not too cold. I personally like traveling around in Michigan! But Disney in Florida with my boys was a fantastik time. Thanks for being part of the hop. I have never been to Minnesota... but close to it in the UP of Michigan/upper Wisconsin. Summer time though... not right now when it is freezing and blowing! pjritsema at gmail dot com
My favorite place to travel is anywhere warm!!!
Thanks for sharing your project.
jennykingham at att dot net
Glad you had a wonderful time on your cruise with your friend. What a lovely layout. Thanks for sharing and for a chance to win!
Thanks for sharing the great info about your state. This is fun blog hop!!!
Krystal...honestly my fav place to be is home. We live in a small town also and I love it here. Love my old 1855 house drafts and all.
Looks like you girls had a great time on your trip.
TFS and thanks for the chance to win your generous blog candy.
Wow, now that was a dirty thing for your friend to do. I dont think I would still be friends with them. lol.
Im a new follower of your blog as well. Woo hoo, your up to 69 followers so far.
Very very cute project .... LOVE IT! TFS! Thanks for the chance at some blog candy, too! ;)
rkbmadden at hotmail dot com
And I am a new follower! :) Thanks again!
rkbmadden at hotmail dot com
Love your layout-pretty.
I love traveling - anywhere seeing new things.
mbchoj at aol dot com
That's quite a move! My favorite place I've traveled to is Prague. It's like standing inside of a fairy-tale village! Beautiful city. bekah.posnansky@gmail.com
Brrr.... MN is C O L D, especially where you are! I can't believe you moved FROM Phoenix to MN, LOL! I'm in IL so we're practically neighbors :D Love your LO! We travel to WI frequently but my favorite destination is.... PHOENIX, LOL! We have relatives on both sides of our families there so it's great to go visit!
I'm a new follower and hope you will come check out my blog too!!!
Nice layout. Thanks for sharing.
I am a new follower as well! Thanks for the second chance to win.
I don't travel very, but when I do I make sure there's a beach wherever I'm going!
I am a new follower.
I would have to say my favorite trip so far has been to Hawaii (the big island). If I make it back a second time, I want to see kuai.
rpcrafting at gmail dot com
I am a new follower.
rpcrafter at gmail dot com
Wow I had no idea NKOTB did a reunion thing! drats. Thanks for sharing your page and info on MN
alyssa at mayofamily dot com
Became a follower, LOL!!!!!
Jen from Ohio
Love your blog and life story. Small town life sounds great although not sure I could handle the weather there. Been to Mall of America! Love your project and the story behind it! I love to travel anywhere and everywhere. My hubby puts me on a travel budget so I don't try to go to many places each year. I would go new and exciting places anytime. I do love Disney, WDW. It's just so magical. I feel like a kid again when I go. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.
Jen from Ohio
My favorite place to travel is my back yard! great layout, ty so much for sharing :)
I became a follower :)
Ilove to travel any where out west. love thegreat views --nice page. millierose651@aol.com
My favorite place to travel is Essex MT. I've been going there since two months after I was born and it will always have that special place in my heart!
I also became a follower!
Awesome project.
I am a follower
I became a follower!!!! Love your blog.
I love to travel to Walt Disney World...I am hoping to one day travel to Ireland!!!
I LOVE MN. We go to Orr my husband's Aunt & Uncle live there! Thanks 4 participating!
Thank you for sharong the information on your state and also for your cruise layout, looks like you gitls were really having a grand time!
Tennessee is my fav vacation. Hopping along.
Great layout! Love the colours! :)
smile4jenn at hotmail dot com
Almost forgot to say, I've been going to Montreal for the past summers, always been fun! Now a follower, TFS! :)
Hmm...I have always liked going to HHI, SC. Maybe because we have been so many times it is comfortable. I do want to go to Phoenix someday, but mainly to see cousins I haven't seen in years.
Follower! As of now, that is. lol
Great project, always looking for new ideas, look forward to following. I would like to travel to the east coast, I have never been there. thanks
that is a really cute layout!! tfs...I am wierd, and I LOVE LOVE LVOE international travel my favoritie place is bali, indonesia. beautiful beaches, lovely people, and great relaxation!!
I have become a new follower of your blog, can't wait to check out more of your blog! thanks for the chances to win!
Great layout!
amywooten2010 at gmail dot com
Im about 10 miles from canada here in my town in Washington state! Im only about 10 from Walmart too... Im in a small farming community, and love it. Glad you love your town too. I dont think I could do the cold, but we do have the Huskies (U of WA) and their colors are purple.. GO DAWGS!! lol'
Great layout. My favorite place to travel to is to Indianapolis. It's about a 3 hour drive for me which is all I can handle! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win.
I am a new follower! Thanks for the chance to win!
What a great project. So glad to be hopping with you. TFS Cathie
www.creativecutter.org I am a new follower
I know how cold it has been here in Michigan this winter so I cannot even imagine how cold it's been where you are at!
Thanks for sharing!
I have only been as far into Minnesota as the Mall of America. Maybe someday I will go further into the state. It sounds like a wonderful place. Your layout is terrific.
Here is my second comment. I became a follower of your blog. thanks for participating in the blog hop.
Beautiful family! Love your blog and your projects! Keep up the great work!
Thanks for sharing your story! My favorite place to visit is Gatlinburg TN! I live in NC so its not too far!
I have always wanted to visit Alaska though.
I am a follower, Glad I found you on this hop!
Great layout! Sounds like your cruise was a blast. I haven't traveled for a long time but when I do, I like to go to Florida. TFS.
Kyystal, thanks so much for all the info on Minnesota. Never been there but would love to one day. My favorite place to travel is Fla. I love the weather and tons of things to do.. Your layout is beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Have a great day
It's me again.. I do follow you
Have a great day
Love the small town life and values, it sure is a great way to raise your kids. Enjoyed the cruise layout, TFS.
I had so much fun reading your story! Same thing sort of happened to me, but I just moved cross state. LOL My BFF finally got me to move up here, then she moved away! Ugh! Then she moved back just a few mos. ago so it's all ok now. ;) Actually I spent a lot of my childhood summers in MN b/c I have relatives there galore (in all the small little fun towns). I have nothing but wonderful memories of MN and hope to go back. I also have family in Apach Jct., AZ. What a small world! Thank you for telling your story. I could relate and it made me so happy! Thanks for the entry as well. My favorite state is Maine, but my others are Colorado (where I live), Arizona, Hawaii. MN has such good memories for me that it is in my top 10 for sure!
XO ~ Amy Jo
amyjrockstar at gmail dot com
I became a new follower two days ago. :0)
XO ~ Amy Jo (follower)
amyjrockstar at gmail dot com
I'm a new follower and my favorite place to visit is anywhere where there is a beach! Great layout. TFS.
Thanks for sharing all the information about Minnesota, always wanted to go there! Love your LO for your girls night!
lauermaa at gmail dot com
I haven't traveled an awful lot but I guess my favorite state to visit is Tennessee. Thanks for letting me visit.
This is for a second chance to win. I've become a new follower of your blog.
My favorite place to travel is probably back home to Ohio to see my family. I don't get there too often, so it's always fun!
I'm a new follower, too!
I love going to Florida! Especially Disney - which feels like a whole other state... lol
I had a great time reading your post :) That cruise sounds wonderful!!! I love the layout!!!!!
already a follower! :)
Great layout. It sounds like you had a really great time.
My favorite place to vacation is Martha's Vineyard. It is a small island off the coast of Mass.
hockman1 at sbcglobal dot net
Now that was a trick your hubby's friend played!! thanks for sharing your wonderful information. Now where to i like to travel? here comes the sappy (but HONEST) answer...anywhere as long as my hubby is with me. we love taking adventures and as long as it is with him then i am GAME!!!
I'm a new follower.
hockman1 at sbcglobal dot net
i am now a follower! mse006atyahoodotcom
It's so nice to come across your blog through this blog hop. Thanks for sharing.
Michelle aka Cabby Crafter
I forgot to place where I want to go. As someone new to The USA, I'd like to visit Washington.
Oh, Im your new follower.
michelle aka Cabby Crafter
Thank you for sharing with us a peep into your world!
My favorite place to vacation... that's hard! I have to say Florida especially Disney!
ksully4597 at gmail dot com
I am a new follower!
ksully4597 at gmail dot com
love your artwork....and congrats on seeing NKOTB while cruising....that must have been wonderful!
i would love to travel to greece!! perhaps one day soon!
i'm a new follower!
I have been working on Disney cruise pages for a year for my grandchildren! Love your layout! Thanks for sharing! I would really love to Disneyland in California! Or maybe to the Virgin Islands for a week with my DH.
I am following you . . . hope you will follow me . . .
Thanks so much for sharing "Your little piece of this big world". You are a brave and trusting wife and mother to make that move! I am so glad you are not regretting it! Thanks for sharing your story and your great layout. I am a new follower!
lisa_williamson2004 @yahoo dot com
I so loved your story about how you came to Minnesota! So cool! And your layout of your cruise was very cool! My favorite place to travel- Puerto Rico! We've been there twice and I definitely want to go back- still way more of the island I haven't seen yet! Thanks for sharing!
Second entry- just became a follower! Thanks again for sharing! chrisbrown1973@hotmail.com
My favorite place is Disney!
I am a new excited follower!
Wow, that move sure did have to be a shock to your system. Thanks for sharing your project and the chance to win. I am a new follower. Our favorite, favorite place to travel to is Maine and we do it every year. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com
Thank you for sharing your state information. It is beautiful. Thank You so much for the chance to win some of these beautiful gifts plus to see a little about every state and to join some great one. And your beautiful crafts
now a follower
amywooten2010 at gmail dot com
How cool that you were on a NKOTB cruise!!! I was obssessed with them in junior high! Love the LO! My favorite place to travel is Europe!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite place to travel is Europe. However I will travel anywhere. I love seeing new places!
Your layout is so pretty :) That was a dirty trick of your husband's friend. Still talk to them? LOL!
Yes the 1st thing I thought "are you nuts to move there!" lol After reading about your town it sounds wonderful. The place that I loved the most was Italy! I can't wait to go back, but with my husband this time.
Some good friend your husband has..just kidding. I'm from Hawaii and went to school in Colorado. Talk about change. But I'm so glad I did it. And to tell you the truth, I kinda miss the cold. I'm currently settling for in between, California where I can get the best of both worlds if I want :)
spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com
I am so glad that you are not the crazy one. I would love to visit anywhere Down South as far away from PA as I could get
I am a new follower
Love your work
Thank you,
teri dot barefoot at gmail dot com
:D Thanks for the chance to win! brynnthornburgh@gmail[dot]com
Thanks for sharing your super cute layout! Im a big NKOTB fan also :)
Im a new follower also :)
Welcome to MN! I love this state. I live in the Twin Cities, but have been all around the state and northern MN is so beautiful.
As a former military brat, I know what it's like to up and move.
Thanks for the information on Minnesota. I'd like to visit, except that's where my ex lives.
My most favoritest place to travel is Allegany State Park.
PS: AZ to MN, Yeah, I think you ARE crazy. LOL
We love Alaska! We went there to live for 9 months last year and are moving back in May. Can't wait! Great layout too. What fun pictures and memories. :) Janis northrose@slowar.com
Already a follower. Hugs! :) Janis northrose@slowar.com
Sounds like a fun trip..and the photo of the group of GF's is too cute. My fave place to visit? Hhhmm...love to go to FL to visit my parents, but love CO too. Tough choice..so, I won't make one. It's all good, really. Love the Fiskars stamps as blog candy. Hope I win them!! Hugs, Rockin Robin C (stampinsavage at yahoo dot com)
OMG! NKOTB! My bestie and I would have loved to go on that cruise - I hadn't even heard of it!! We are currently planning a road trip to the Mall of America next month (long trip from Maryland :)
Thanks for sharing!
And of course I became a follower - for the love of NKOTB if nothing else :)
Hello Krystal, i'm also from Minnesota but i live closer to the twin cities. You have a great blog and I plan to come back to look around more some other day.
I am also a new follower.
Love the layout and the info about your state!!
Hey Neighbor!! Well, kind of. I am in Mpls!! And I guess I cannot complain about the cold given that YOU are in N. MN I think we could both use a cruise about now!! Nice LO.
I am also a new follower.
I'm a new follower - cause I wanted to!
My favorite place to travel so far is Virginia Beach, VA. It is warm; I swam with dolphins; there is so much to do! I hope to take a cruise someday!
My favorite place to travel is Colorado. I had the pleasure of living on the Western slope for 2 years. My dream places to travel one day are all of the western states (I love the mountains and desert, can you tell?), Alaska, the 13 original colonies, Greece, Germany, Ireland, and Rome. I'd better start saving...lol.
I'm following you on Google and Networked blogs.
I know just how you feel. I'm originally from AL but now live in Rochester, MN. My kids loved growing up in MN. Thanks for representing our state and sharing your project.
I know so many people in MN and have never been to this beautiful state!
I love going to Hawaii - that is our go-to vacation destination!
Happy Weekend...stopping in from Central CA and I am a new follower.
Thanks for being a part of the hop.
504 Main
Never been to Min. but would love to!! Thanks for sharing...Love your LO! New follower...what can I say...I'm a sucker for puppy dog eyes!LOL...But seriously cant wait to see what you do next!!!
kmbrlysue22 at yahoo dot com
Hee hee hee, guess where THIS Phoenix, AZ girl ended up??? ALASKA!!! What is it about us desert girls ending up in the snow!? I have to say that my favorite place to travel is wherever my family is.. I have them scattered from CA, to CO, to IL and NV but I want to be where they are!
Kris in Alaska
funamom at yahoo dot com
Oh, and I"m a follower now!
Kris in Alaska
funamom at yahoo dot com
WOW you are North!! pjseagers at hotmail dot com
I don't think I could live that far north. Winters are bad enough here in central NY. I would definitely visit (in the summer). LOL My favorite place to travel is Bermuda. My husband and I went on a cruise there for our honeymoon. It was beautiful!
I am a new follower, too!
I am a new follower of your blog!
cherylphillips AT comcast DOT net
Nice layout. I would have to say that my favorite place to visit is Hawaii. It is so beautiful there and so peaceful. Thanks for the chance to win
cherylphillips AT comcast DOT net
Cute layout!! I love to travel to TX (it's home to me!!) Off to complete the hop...
Smooches, Amy (NM)smoochesstampin.blogspot.com
Love the layout you created - isn't it great spending time with friends? :) My favorite place to visit is along the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland - I'm always so relaxed when I'm there! Thanks for sharing and the awesome giveaway!
Ashley "Scrappin' Pink Piglet"
I am now a follower!
Ashley "Scrappin' Pink Piglet"
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