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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tiny Wings Auction - Hosted by Polka Dot Junkie

Hi everyone!

Recently, I heard a story about Kellie and James Staats who recently, on February 17, 2011, lost their baby girl, Maddie. She was 4 months old. Nobody is sure exactly what happened yet, but they are thinking it is possibly SIDS. My heart absolutely breaks for this family. I cannot even imagine the heartache and sadness that they are going through. If you would like to read about this family, please visit their blog by clicking It All Started When Two People Fell In Love.

Starting at noon on Monday, February 28, 2011, there will be an auction hosted by Megan of Polka Dot Junkie. This auction will be on her Facebook page.

Please be sure to log on tomorrow for the auction and also, keep this family in your prayers as they go through this hard time.

Much love and creativity,

Man Weekend IV

When we lived in Arizona, my husband and all the guys he worked with went on an annual "Man Weekend" which consisted of about 12 guys and their big 4-wheel drive trucks going out into the woods for 5 days or so (Thursday to Monday). They spent most of the time rock crawling and had a blast seeing who could roll their trucks on its side first! (Yeah, this wife didn't want any details!). It was a time when my husband and his friends could get together and just be stupid guys! He loved doing the annual "Man Weekend."

I always have a hard time doing layouts that are masculine but this one didn't turn out too bad. I think I did an okay job!

I used my Expression and the Summer Vacation cartridge to cut and layer the grey truck. I used pop-dots to give it some dimension. Hope you all like it!

Much love and creativity,

A couple simple layouts!

It's been a couple days since I last blogged. I've been trying to come up with some really cute things to post. I did do a couple of cute simple layouts but neither are finished yet.

Last week, I posted that my oldest daughter went to Frosty, which is the winter formal dance at her high school. I got the pictures developed and did a page on her and her friends. I'm not sure I love the way it turned out but hopefully she will appreciate it when she goes through her scrapbook when she's older. What do you all think?

This first one is the background. I used grey cardstock and then used some red/pink print paper and cut them in various sizes, then used my ATG gun to tape them down.

I took the pictures and cut them in various different ways to make a collage effect. That part I like but somehow the layout just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. :( I used chipboard for the lettering. This is one that I'm not done with yet, I still need to do my journaling to describe this night. I also need to put the names of all the kids on here so my daughter doesn't forget who they are in the future. (You all know what I mean, don't ya?)

Last weekend, my youngest daughter, Catelynn, had a friend stay the night. These girls are in the first grade. They went outside to play in the snow on our back patio deck where earlier that weekend, my kiddos built a snow fort. These two girls played out there for quite a while and I snapped some pics of them playing. It was fun to see my daughter in her element with one of her school friends. Kids are so fun to watch when they don't know you are watching!

This one is the hole to get into the snow fort, it goes all the way under the porch. LOL, kids are so funny!

Anyway, lastly, here is another incomplete layout that I did of my family. Every year, our town hosts a Corn Field Maze. This picture was taken of our family at the 2009 maze. Here is an aerial view of what the maze looked like in 2009.

Isn't that cool? It's called "Man on a tractor." We also went to the 2010 corn maze and it was in the shape of the state of Minnesota.

Anyway, the layout I did was from the picture taken at the 2009 maze. Here's what it looks like.

This is another one that I'm not completely done with. I'm not sure I love the way this one turned out either but I think with some embellishments and some journaling, it will look okay. I used my Cricut Expression to cut out the word Family and then I shadowed it with another cut of the word just 1/4 inch smaller (size cut was 3-1/2 inches and 3-1/4 inches). I used the Sampler cartridge. I really like the colors, it's perfect for a corn field, don't ya think? It gives that "John Deere" look and feel to it.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. If you have any ideas or suggestions for these two pages, please feel free to let me know. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for looking!

Much love and creativity,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fabulous Follower Giveaway - WINNER!!

Whoo Hoo!! I finally made it to 150 followers! You all are amazing and I SO appreciate all of the wonderful comments and positive thoughts with my projects!

I drew the winner of the giveaway this morning via The winner is: (drum roll, please)

Follower Charlotte of A Little Bit Of Detail

Charlotte, I'll be contacting you by email!

Fabulous Follower Giveaway Prize!

I'm super excited about this. Again, thank you so much to all of my followers for your wonderful comments!

I also want to give a HUGE thank-you to Mariam of Purple Lily Studio for providing the prize for this giveaway! You are amazing and very talented!

Stay tuned for more giveaways and projects!!

Much love and creativity,

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fabulous Follower Giveaway - Almost There!

EEEEEKKKKK, I'm so excited...only 1 more follower away from reaching 150. Go tell your friends!!! Please click HERE for all of the details of this great giveaway!!

Again, a thank you to Mariam of Purple Lily Studio for sponsoring this fabulous giveaway!!! If you haven't been there yet, please go to her blog and check it out! She's very creative and very talented!

I'm off to bed for the night but more to come tomorrow!!!

Much love and creativity,

Pretty In Pink

Good Monday Afternoon everyone!!

I hope you all are doing great! Today I was able to sneak back down into my craft room and get another layout done. I'm feeling so creative!

This one is called "Pretty In Pink!"

This is my daughter, Catelynn.

I used my Cricut Expression to cut the letters "Pretty In Pink." Plantin SchoolBook cartridge. Letters are cut at 1-1/2 inches. I used my Creative Memories cutter to cut the sides of the brown and pink flowered paper. All the paper was from a stack from DCWV. I love that paper!!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!!!

Thanks so much for looking!

Much love and creativity,

Awesome Your Story Giveaway!

This is such a great giveaway!!! Cindy over at The Scrapping Room is doing a fabulous giveaway. You should hop on over there when you get a chance and check it out. You can get to the giveaway by clicking here! She is also giving away a couple more prizes. Check it out! It's awesome!

I'm entering, hope you will too!

Much love and creativity,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Daddy's Love and other stuff!

*NOTE* We are almost to 150 followers and our great giveaway from Mariam of Purple Lily Studio. Please read my Fabulous Follower Giveaway post for details!

Hey everyone!!!

I finally got into my craft room tonight. My daughter and I spent some time together hanging out listening to music and talking about random stuff. It's so much fun to hang out with her. She's 15 and so I feel very fortunate that she still wants to spend time with me and we are able to talk about everything. It's been a really nice weekend!

My beautiful daughter, Alissa, ready for her school dance.

I've been trying to get some actual scrapbooking done. I've been doing a lot of playing around with cards and stuff but my real passion are the scrap pages themselves. I found this really cute scrapbook paper from K&Company. I used it to do a layout with my husband and our youngest daughter.

New scrapbook paper, cool huh?

Lately, I've been into pink and green. Not sure why, but I really like the way the colors look together. (As you can tell by my font colors on my blog. :P)

For this layout, I used my Cricut Expression and I used the Plantin SchoolBook cartridge for the word "daddy's". I used the Sampler cartridge for the rattle, onesie and the words on the bottom of the page. I also used some brad embellishments along with a flower and some pop dots to give the page some dimension. I love this one.

At first, I'd done the page with pink striped lettering at the top and it just looked too feminine so I reprinted the letters in a more blue/green print pattern. I made them 1/4 inch smaller so they would be shadowed by the pink.

I'm calling this one "Daddy's Love"

This is Catelynn now. She's 7 and in the 1st grade.

Thank you all for looking and I hope you have a wonderful week!!

Much love and creativity,

I'm a Stylish Blogger!

Lookie what I got!!! How exciting for me! I received the Stylish Blogger Award from Andrea at Scrapality today. This is so awesome!! As part of the honor for receiving this award, I'm to tell you 8 things about myself. I decided to tell some things about myself that I've never previously mentioned and that might surprise some people. So, here goes.

1. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in April 2009 and I have to take a weekly interferon injection to manage my disease and help slow the progression.

2. I've only been scrapbooking since 2008 and still don't feel like I know what I'm doing.

3. I never give myself enough credit for my accomplishments and dwell too much on the things I don't do well at.

4. I am absolutely 100% addicted to Facebook, Twitter and New Kids On The Block.

5. My son was born 9 months after I got married! (He's our honeymoon souvenir!)

6. Scrapbooking is my creative outlet although a lot of the time, when I sit down to scrap, I find that my mind goes blank and I have a hard time making my vision come to reality.

7. My husband knows everything there is to know about me and he still loves me!! He indulges me in my crazy antics without complaint!

8. My grandmother is one of my very best friends in the entire world!

The second part of receiving this award is to send the award on to 8 more Stylish Bloggers so here they are. Be sure to visit their blogs!

1. Mariam of Purple Lily Studio.
2. The Cabby Crafter
3. Jessica of Barry Crafty
4. Melissa of Scrappy Cupcakes
5. Tales From The Scrapper's Closet
6. SpantastiKreations
7. Create N Craft
8. Robyn at My Pink Stamper

Much love and creativity,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

He's all boy!

Hi everyone!!!

I have 2 sick kiddos today but I did manage to get a scrapbook page done. I just love to scrapbook. My only problem is that I always find that once I sit down to do it, I get a sort of "creative block." Does that ever happen to you??? I hate that. It's like my mind goes blank as soon as I sit at my craft table! But this one turned out pretty good, I like it. I didn't use my Cricut on it only because I wanted to see what I could come up with without out...just from the things I had in my stash!!! Got to use my new ATG gun and that was AWESOME!! I love that thing. How do paper crafters work without one of those???

Anyway, here's my project. Hope you enjoy!

The title of my project is "He's All Boy"

This is my son, Brandon. He's the witty one of the bunch. He comes up with some off the wall things all the time. Silly things he says, he's just an all around FUNNY GUY. These pictures capture his personality so well. He's 10 now but these were taken for a Father's Day gift I made in 2005, he was 4 years old at this time!

I had these tags so I made this with one of my stamps and then slid it behind the picture for journaling.

I just love how this turned out.

This is my wonderful little man now.  He's 10 and still as witty and funny as ever.

Thanks for looking!  Happy Scrapping!

Much love and creativity,
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