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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just a quick update

Hi everyone!

I'm really sorry I've been missing in action this last week. There's been a lot going on. I finally got a job, which takes away from my playtime on the Cricut. BOO HOO. But more importantly, I received a call over the weekend that my mother has been in a horrible roll-over car accident causing a fracture to her neck. She's already had to endure 2 different surgeries, one for the dislocation to be corrected and one for the actual fracture to be removed. She is doing well and they are considering taking her out of ICU sometime this week. I will be leaving on Wednesday afternoon (April 27) to go be with her and help her through her recovery process. Thank goodness she is not paralyzed. I don't think she'd handle that very well.

Anyway, I will blog some while I'm home, I'm not sure how much crafting I will get done but I will certainly keep you updated on how things are going. I should return back to my family in Minnesota around May 7th.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this really trying time for our family.

Much love and creativity,

Monday, April 18, 2011

Relay For Life - Pink Ladies 2nd Annual Craft Retreat

On Saturday, I spent the entire day scrapbooking! It was so much fun. There is a group of women who do an annual scrapbook/craft retreat! I signed up for it about 2 months ago. They charge $45 for it but it's so worth it! It starts on Friday night at 5:00 PM and goes until midnight then on Saturday, it starts again at 9:00 a.m. and goes until 10:00 pm. They serve dinner on Friday, brunch and dinner on Saturday as well as snacks. They also have door prizes and lots of raffles. It really is a great event and benefits a great cause. For me, I personally didn't get a lot of scrapbooking done because I was at a field trip with my daughter's 1st grade class on Friday and we didn't get back into town until almost 9 p.m. I was so exhausted that I didn't have the energy to pack up all my stuff and bring it to the event so I went on Saturday. I got there about 10 a.m. and spent the entire day there until 9 p.m. I met so many wonderful ladies and talked so much, that I didn't get much else done but I did manage to get a few pages done.

This first layout is of a trip that I took with my girlfriends in 2009. We drove to Chicago for a New Kids On The Block concert. Now for me, this was a huge deal. It was only a weekend trip but I drove from Northern Minnesota to Fargo, North Dakota to Minneapolis, Minnesota, through Wisconsin to Chicago, Illinois. Then, after the concert, we followed one of the buses to Indiana (completely by accident! Hahaha). This was so much fun. The pictures are of me giving myself a pedicure in the front seat of my friend Kris's van. LOL Call me crazy but I'd do this all again in a heartbeat. This was one of the best trips I've ever taken with my girlfriends.

Pictures from left to right: Me (Krystal), Vanessa, Kris, Stacey and Janelle!

This next double page layout was from a trip I took to Las Vegas with my best friend in the world. We have known eachother since the 7th grade (That's right around 25 years, wow!) Anyway, I flew home to Arizona and we drove to Vegas. These pictures were taken at the M&M store. It is absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G how big this store is. There are several floors (I think about 5?) and there is every color M&M you can imagine here!

This is a layout I did of my oldest daughter. I really like how this one turned out. The colors really work well with eachother.

They had door prize drawings and I won a set of Stampin' Up paper and coordinating ribbon, stickers and buttons so this next page I did using that. It's of my youngest daughter the day we brought her home from the hospital.

My daughter was supposed to babysit for a friend of ours who was going to pick her up at the school where the crop was being held. My husband brought her up there to wait and then the girl cancelled so I let her stay and hang out with me. She made a scrapbook page and some hair bows. I had so much fun hanging out with her. It really was a great day. This is a picture of my daughter that was taken in June 2005 for Father's day. The other picture was taken after my son was born later in 2005.

My daughter also made lots of hair clips with flowers. I think they turned out great.

It was an extremely busy weekend but so much fun! I will do it again as soon as possible! I love to scrapbook.

Much love and creativity,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Diva By Design Blog Candy and Design Team Call

Happy Saturday Everyone!!! I stumbled across this blog who is having a design team call. I'm pretty excited about applying for this. I've never been on a design team but I'm really hoping I get a chance to be on this team!! I am supposed to post my 3 favorite projects so that they can come check it out. I've done so many different projects that I'm not sure which is my favorite so I'm going to post a few here!!!

Also, they have some fantastic blog candy. It will be announced on May 4!

Doesn't that look yummy??? I'd love to have that too. If anyone is interested in the design team or the blog candy, head on over to Diva By Design Challenge Blog for all the details.

Now for my 3 favorite projects...

These are just a few of my favorite projects. I hope I get the chance to design for Divas By Design. That would be so awesome!!!!

Thanks for looking!

Much love and creativity,
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